Prototyping in Virtual Reality: Product development teams of global companies today work across multiple locations. A VR conference enables decentralized teams to work together on virtual prototypes. 3D CAD files are loaded into a virtual space and can be viewed and edited from all sides. Collaborative VR prototyping eliminates unproductive travel time. The production of real prototypes in early phases can be avoided. This reduces development costs and shortens innovation cycles so that innovations are brought to market earlier.
- Best Practice
- Best Practice Navigator – Engineering and Planning
- Best Practice Navigator – New Work
- Best Practice Navigator – Personnel
- Best Practice Navigator – Sales
- Best Practice Navigator – Service
- Best Practice Navigator – Training
- Best Practice: Collaboration Tools
- Best Practice: Digital assistance systems
- Best Practice: Events, conferences and exhibitions
- Best Practice: Inspections and tours
- Best Practice: Product presentations
- Best Practice: Training and education
- Change Management
- Club Deal Partner
- Digital assistance systems
- Entertainment
- Hardware providers
- Hardwarepartner
- metaversegermany
- News
- Offer package: Collaboration tools for Visualization & Review
- Offer package: Events, conferences and fairs
- offer package: for product presentations, teamwork & virtual offices
- Offer package: Inspections and tours
- Offer package: Training and education
- Packages
- Provider
- Uncategorized
- VR Business Club