
We navigate you safely through the shoals of using virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality applications. Learn about proven success scenarios from users in Germany and Europe at our face-to-face and online events. Let us connect you with the leading solution providers of immersive technologies and exchange experiences with other users.
to request membership in the VR Business Club

We organise events in cooperation with partners, as well as on selected topics of our members..
Here we discuss with our experts and guests about today’s and future
scenarios, as well as how business can be derived from them in one’s own company. Our events take place as face-to-face events throughout Germany; in particular in Berlin, Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. In addition, we organise many events online in video conference format as well as directly in virtual space.
–> Microsoft video about a joint presence event:

VR Business Club SparX
Bring your current problem as a challenge to our network!
-The VR Business Club SparX act as an incubator for initial ideas and projects to be implemented. Be inspired by the leading solution providers from the VR Business Club network or develop concepts and implementation scenarios for the appropriate use of virtual/augmented/mixed reality technologies in your own company in workshop sessions.
Our Head of SparX, Michael Alf, introduces himself on our SPARX WEB SITES and informs you about the format.

VR Business Club Spaces
Join us in virtual space and learn about the possibilities of immersive collaboration and immersive meetings!
For selected community meetings in virtual space, we use social VR platforms that allow us to come together in national and international formats across distances. Experience in our network already today the “Metaverse” as a virtual vision of the future for corresponding workflows, events and meetings. The advantages of virtual meetings are that companies can work across distances in a crisis-proof manner, save time and costs, and are thus sustainable.
Our Head of Spaces, Petra Isabel Schlerit, introduces herself on our SPACES WEB SITE and informs you about the format.

We advise your company and find the right VR/AR/MR solution provider to meet your requirements.
We have more than 60 leading solution providers in our network who offer platforms, products, projects or consultations on individual topics. These solution providers have been successfully positioned on the market for years, are customer-proven and have already used their products and applications in a variety of ways, including in medium-sized to large companies. Part of our offer is to advise and support you in finding the right partners for the respective requirements of your company.

Entry-level package
1 year membership + VR goggles + demo content + support + participation in monthly events in virtual space
We make it easy for you to enter the virtual world! The starter package includes:
- 1 year membership in the VR Business Club with a 10% discount. (Free participation in our community events, organisation of a best practice talk for your company, connections to suitable solution providers)
- A Pico Neo 3 – 6DoF All-In-One VR headset including demo applications, as desired from the areas of recruiting, training, occupational safety, planning, assistant reality and sales.
- Participation (with your VR headset) in our monthly format “Top 10 Insights about…” in virtual space. You will learn about VR platforms and applications presented by leading solution providers from our network. The aim is on the one hand to understand how they can use VR glasses in virtual space and on the other hand to show which application scenarios could be implemented for their own company as successful upscales.
Enquiry beginner package

For private individuals and sole proprietorships and smaller start-ups
Again and again, individuals, solo entrepreneurs, consultants and smaller start-ups are interested in our network. As we regularly only offer corporate memberships, we now enable you to join us here via Patreon and give you insights into our events, exclusive interviews and insight into the latest technology trends.
We offer you access to our network of users, technology providers and experts.

What will the future look like with virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality? Which application scenarios and new business models are developing? How can I secure the market position of my company with Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality or Mixed Reality? What cross-sector partnerships are emerging? How can I meet my social responsibility when using immersive technologies? We get to the bottom of these and many other questions. In doing so, we are at your side with our competent partner team.
Benefit from the exchange of experience with other members and industries

Our club event is attended by executives from industry, entertainment, services, trade, leisure, culture and the real estate industry. The goal of our talks with invited experts is to keep our members up to date on the latest developments in virtual, augmented and mixed reality. Other highlights include the exchange of experience and trying out successfully implemented applications and the latest VR and AR glasses.