VR Business Club SparX
Bring your challenge into our network! – Based on the experience of our SparX formats, we have derived core topics which are recurring across all industries and which we offer our members in compressed form as additional sessions. In recruiting, employer branding, training, assisted reality, occupational safety and in the communication of product portfolios, virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality can be used to optimize processes, save time and achieve ROI’s.
Here you can go directly to our SparX pages: https://sparx.vrbusiness.club.
Booster: Expert roundtables
Due to the upheavals in the working environments of large and medium-sized companies as a result of digitisation and networking, there is an extreme need for action in Germany to transfer innovation to these companies. Wherever employees are directly involved in value creation, enormous savings potentials in time, money and resources are possible. To activate this potential, we bring companies together with expert panels consisting of startups, solution providers and other stakeholders.
Booster: fokussierte Workshops
We offer corporates, together with partners from our member network, focused 1-day workshops with the objective of developing a topic-specific roadmap for the company on the respective core topic.
Booster: Solution providers and system houses
We bring solution providers with broad know-how for intelligent business processes, enterprise applications and cloud services together with startups and corporates. Schlagworte sind hier Unternehmensnetzwerke, Rechenzentrumsarchitektur, Rechenplattformen, Lieferkettenlösungen, Sicherheit, Systemintegratoren, Managed-Services usw.
We arrange suitable hardware for various VR, AR or MR applications at special conditions for our members. Together with our hardware partners, we have put together offers that help our members to get to market faster and in line with their projects. An overview of all hardware offers can also be found here on our SparX pages.