Best Practice: dynabook dynaEdge + Glasses: Experts on call – mobile support for maintenance & servicing
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Über die Best Practice,
With our dynaEdge DE100 solution + Glasses, field engineers can not only consult with the experts at headquarters, they can also present the situation directly to them in real-time.
Colleagues assess what they have seen from a distance and react with work instructions and supporting information, which are immediately issued acoustically and visually by the device. In this way sovereign employees support their colleagues on site from the background.
Training can also be optimised, and performance assessments and quality controls can be carried out. And all this means better communication and teamwork.
This is how you look at best practice in 360°:
- Start the VR project via the Play button
- Activate the full screen mode in the lower right corner to see the VR project in full screen
- Switch the sound of the VR project on or off at any time
- Navigation within the VR project:
- Look around in the 360° environment to the left and right by dragging the mouse (mouse drag)
- Zoom in or out in the 360° scene with the mouse
- Click on an icon or object to activate it
If you have VR glasses;
Switch to Virtual Reality mode by clicking the VR icon in the lower left corner