Review: VR Business Club Online-Talk: Machine Learning in Virtual Environments

ChatGPT, Gemini and the like are prominent results of machine learning that are already preparing to effectively support people in creative areas and even replace them in some cases. Integration into virtual reality, e.g. in the form of virtual sales trainers, is already being achieved. However, the aforementioned forms are primarily based on “supervised learning” and are therefore dependent on the availability of extensive amounts of data.

“Reinforcement learning”, on the other hand, focuses on learning through success and failure. The special feature here is that the data required is generated during the learning process itself, i.e. the initially untrained, artificial brain learns interactively through action and consequence in a defined environment. Virtual reality opens up undreamt-of possibilities here, as it offers the simulation of almost unlimited worlds, which means that systems could be developed in the future that leave humans far behind cognitively.

In this presentation, our member Jan Neuhöfer sheds light on the possibilities and pitfalls of machine learning in virtual reality and conveys a sense of why the combination of artificial intelligence and virtual reality is particularly forward-looking.

Here is an online recording of the event: