Partnership with i-Business Coaching
We are pleased to have gained i-Business Coaching as a competent partner in questions of internationalization for our club deals. The focus of the offer is on the areas of international mindset, intercultural training and foreign trade promotion.
A selection of the coaching offer consists of:
- Mitarbeiterbindung auch im Ausland,
- interkulturelles Training & Sprachtraining fokussiert auf die Zielregion (z. B. VR China, Taiwan, Brasilien, USA, Schweiz, Moldawien, etc.),
- Aufbau von Netzwerk-Partnern auch im Ausland,
- Vermittlung passgenauer Instrumente der Außenwirtschaftsförderung auf Bundes – und Länderebene,
- Kommunikationstraining mit Fokus auf deutsche Institutionen im Ausland.
The entrepreneurs have the possibility to be supported by the Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg and by the program “Coaching BONUS” of the Land Berlin via the regulation for “Market development by SMEs” (GRW-Markt – International) in the development of their competences. Other countries have similar programs, which the experts at i-Business Coaching are happy to share. Companies are supported by i-Business during the initial application process.