iXtenda – iVP

iVP (Intelligent Virtual Platform) is a comprehensive platform for the sustainable digitalisation of sales and planning processes in mechanical and plant engineering and in the automotive supplier industry.

Best Practice iVP – Industrial plant design and sales in the HOMAG Group (members only)

What are you offering?

With the iV Platform, we offer an ideal solution for the simple, digitally supported implementation of sales and planning processes in mechanical and plant engineering and in the automotive supplier industry.

iVP is used whenever (partial) production plants are to be planned or integrated into existing plants, as well as for planning complete factories. It allows the consistent processing, compatibility and display of 3D design data as well as their customer-specific adaptation in an intuitive application. This relieves the planning bodies in companies and tightens marketing and sales processes enormously. The entire planning process in iVP is optimally integrated on the software side between sales and customers. This enables you to realise optimal planning in a much shorter time, which on top of that can be used again and again along the entire value chain.

The Intelligent Virtual Platform consists of the solutions iVP Showroom, iVP Planning, iVP Viewer, iVP Analytics and iVP GCI, which build on each other and will simplify your planning and sales processes enormously.

For which target group do you mainly produce?

plants and mechanical engineering as well as industrial plant design for production and manufacturing. Automotive suppliers, logistics and automated storage systems.

Which customers already trust you?

Homag GmbH, Homag Systems GmbH, Weinmann GmbH, external consulting companies such as Schuler Consulting