Best Practice: Immoviewer-DocuSketch virtual damage documentation for ABC Water Mitigation (members only)
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Über die Best Practice,
The company ABC Water Mitigation, based in California, is primarily a water mitigation company serving both residential and commercial customers. The company receives leads through direct customer marketing, supplier marketing and also through Preferred Vendor Programs with insurance companies.
It is estimated that the company carries out between 200 and 250 water remediation jobs annually, with about 80% of insurance program contracts being regulated work. The company employs a surveyor and two water remediation teams led by a mitigation manager. Orders are primarily handled internally, except for large commercial projects where subcontractors are used.
The requirement Water Mitigation requires a high level of efficiency, communication, accuracy and documentation with internal staff, suppliers, customers and insurance companies. Managing these tasks is time and cost intensive. Conversely, failure to perform these tasks is often financially costly and damaging to the company’s reputation.
Before using DocuSketch, ABC Water Mitigation relied heavily on its field staff to perform these important tasks. This outdated strategy of order processing brought little efficiency and was very prone to human error. Documents and photos were misplaced and/or not sent to the office in order to ensure proper accounting. Unfortunately, these inefficiencies and errors would often lead to reduced contract profitability, negative quality checks of the programs and frustration for all involved.
The Solution ABC Water Mitigation used DocuSketch for the entire duration of a project. With a minimal investment and training per team, the efficiency in terms of communication, coordination and documentation between all parties involved was significantly improved.
The company has initiated the following process:
- Upon arrival at the new job site, the damage reduction team leader creates a new DocuSketch tour, which documents the job site with the help of 360° images, moisture mapping and measurement via Point of Interests, as well as the tasks, services and equipment rental protocol.
- On site, the mitigation team leader uploads the DocuSketch tour and requests an Xactimate sketch via the DocuSketch application.
- If necessary, the mitigation team leader remains on site while the DocuSketch tour is created and almost simultaneously made available to the mitigation manager in the office.
- If necessary, the manager immediately checks the DocuSketch tour and gives further instructions to the damage reduction team leader if necessary.
- The DocuSketch-Tour will be sent by e-mail to the insurance agent and/or the insurance adjuster together with the necessary permits (e.g. for pulling floor material, use of expensive equipment, etc. …)
- The damage mitigation team leader links daily site monitoring, equipment monitoring and moisture mapping via a timeline tour.
- Within 24 hours of the uploaded request, an Xactimate sketch for the job is provided to the mitigation manager.
- As soon as the measures to reduce emissions on site have been completed, the Harm Reduction Manager prepares the reduction invoice and sends it to the relevant provider, customer or carrier.
The initiated process:
- Ensures proper documentation of all damages, use of equipment, etc. … and eliminates the possibility of missing photos and/or documentation
- Improves internal and external communication so that the mitigation manager can communicate directly with mitigation team leaders, vendors, insurance personnel, and even the customer (when not on site) through repeated virtual tours of the entire job
- Improves work efficiency by reducing on-site time and management travel time, resulting in more effective use of management time to market, bill and manage multiple projects
- Improves customer and program satisfaction through efficiency and documentation; and
- Reduces potential liability risks through increased and effective photographic documentation of working conditions before, during and after the job.advantages
Communication is now virtual through the use of DocuSketch tours. Phone calls and e-mails replace most on-site visits for the manager, the adjuster, the salesperson and the customer.
Human interface errors are significantly reduced by the comprehensive virtual images and independent document storage. 360° images before, during and after the work process enable the documentation of all measured values, completed tasks, general conditions, the property itself and the progress of the project as well as its effectiveness.
Aumento della redditività aziendale grazie alla riduzione del lavoro, della perdita di documenti e della responsabilità civile. Il prodotto DocuSketch offre un’esperienza migliore per clienti e fornitori che porta a un maggior numero di raccomandazioni con meno insoddisfazione.
This is how you look at best practice in 360°:
- Start the VR project via the Play button
- Activate the full screen mode in the lower right corner to see the VR project in full screen
- Switch the sound of the VR project on or off at any time
- Navigation within the VR project:
- Look around in the 360° environment to the left and right by dragging the mouse (mouse drag)
- Zoom in or out in the 360° scene with the mouse
- Click on an icon or object to activate it
If you have VR glasses;
Switch to Virtual Reality mode by clicking the VR icon in the lower left corner