VR Business Club Social VR Formats
Here you can find an overview of our current VR Business Club Social VR formats. We regularly hold event formats for our members and the curious directly in virtual space on the leading social VR platforms. Here you will find an overview of our current formats.
Top 10 Insights about… / 20 min.

Top 10 Insights About… we regularly meet startups and solution providers in virtual space. It presents 10 of the most important facts about exciting companies that you absolutely must get to know.
And all this in a crisp 20 min. format on the “Arthur Digital” platform. Easily digestible and entertainingly staged for after work & in between. You can participate in VR and after the recording you can ask the experts directly. Or you can watch the Youtube stream whenever you want!
The Top 10 Insights are moderated in German by Maren Courage, Founder VR Business Club.
VR Cast / 45 min

The internationally oriented VR Cast takes place every month in English on the ENGAGE platform. Here we welcome experts from all over the world from the most sensational companies in the XR industry. Brand-new studies, products, projects and platforms that have already achieved great added value and ROIs for customers will be presented.
The format was established from February 2020. The VR Casts on top topics around disruptive innovations became a popular meeting place for people thirsting for knowledge, start-ups and solution providers, especially in times of lockdown. Following the presentations and Q&A sessions, there will be the opportunity to further discuss with the experts and network with the participants.
The VR Cast is moderated by Michael Alf, founder Alf Global Servicesand member of the VR Business Club. Also here you can participate with VR glasses or at the PC. Anyone who misses an appointment can watch the sessions on YouTube afterwards.
User talk: / 60 min

Once a month, the VR User Talk gives you the opportunity to exchange opinions and ask questions to the network. In order to catch the focal points of the companies at any time, we provide our pinboard where you can leave notes.
A major concern of many of our members from the user sector is to exchange experiences and get rid of questions that arise from the company’s point of view when planning, implementing, monetizing or scalability of XR projects. Furthermore, topics such as user journalism, as well as acceptance and usability of the new immersive technologies are always in need of discussion.
When the forum takes place, we will collect your notes and also bring along suitable answers. If necessary, we also invite experts from our network in order to show suitable example scenarios and bring them into the discussion.
The “Forum for Exchange of ideas and experiences” will be moderated by Maren Courage and Oliver Autumn and will take place on the VR collaboration platform GLUE.